«embroidered weed»

Jacob Burckhardt House Basel 2004

Weed embroidered on acoustic panels for the Straumann Group in Basel. The winning project of a competition (by invitation only) and nominated for the Swiss Design Award 2005. 

The acoustic pendulum walls (240 cm x 375 cm) are room dividers in the open space office of Straumann Group and at the same time acoustic absorber, ceiling lights, and power supply. The location of the building inspired Annette Douglas for the design. A sparse, urban landscape, surrounded by railway tracks and roads. A flat pea and a vetch plant have found a new habitat. The lighting conditions and atmosphere seem to be pleasing. Totally 6 weed designs were embroidered, spread over 66 walls, and mounted on a frame with foam as a core. 

This 2004 project generated massive interest. With her textile-oriented solutions to acoustic problems, Annette Douglas put herself on the map and started her success path on an international level. 


© Foto Ruedi Walti

ffbk Architects Basel
Applied Acoustics Sissach