«kinetic membrane»

Sochi winter olympics 2014

Be the face of the Sochi Winter Olympics 2014. 

The architect Asif Khan teamed up with Basel-based engineering firm iart for the development of the pavilion. The MegaFaces pavilion – a 2000 sqm cube created for Russian telecom company MegaFon – features a vast kinetic façade that contorts into 3D recreations of visitors' faces, relayed via digital scans made in nearby photo booths. The kinetic façade of the MegaFaces pavilion is able to transform into three dimensions to recreate the faces of visitors to the building. They are formed by 11,000 actuators, each equipped with full-color LEDs, and by moving the «skin» the stretch fabric.

Annette Douglas was in charge of project support and a co-developer for the kinetic membrane as part of the interdisciplinary development team.

Asif Khan Architects London
iart engineering Basel
