
douGLASs 2021

«Flacons» 2021

The initial developments of the «Flacons» series took place in 2021 at the Bildwerk Frauenau workshop in Germany, under the glassblower Wilfried Markus. The bottles are blown using a table torch and borosilicate glass tubes. The tubes serve as the starting point for the 3D form of the flacons. Borosilicate glass begins to deform and melt at around 525°C. The glass must always be in rotation to ensure uniform wall thickness of the vessels.

The signatures are playfully applied to the glass using borosilicate rods. It is a balancing act of timing, from the glass being firm, and viscous, to liquid, in order to apply the signatures to the glass.

After the cooling process in the kiln, some of the flacons are sandblasted to create a matte surface. The bottles are between 6-13cm in height and weigh approximately 125g. The colours are malachite green, and the signatures are an opaque mint green. The lids are made of opaque pink.

The «Flacons_signature» series is a free project. It involves the search for suitable glass techniques, learning the craft, exploring the interplay of form and colour, grasping the third dimension, and investigating one‘s own glass handwriting, the «douGLASs» handwriting.