Masterpiece for Lindt & Sprüngli

acoustic curtain STREAMER pro and SOUND dimmer

For connaisseurs - a masterpiece for the "Maîtres Chocolatier" Lindt & Sprüngli.

Christ & Gantenbein Architects built a new museum for Lindt & Sprüngli - local tradition combined with international glamor.

From the outside, the Chocolate Museum in Kilchberg Switzerland is a tribute to the existing Lindt & Sprüngli factory in Kilchberg. A factory area with raw, brick-red brick facades. Chocolate has been produced at this location since the 1890s and exported worldwide.

Inside a spatial experience of turns and curves unfolds in the hall. Circular movements connect the different levels and the rotation movements create a spatial spectacle. The building houses the museum with the museum shop and café, the chocolate atelier and lounge, an auditorium, as well as internal facilities such as infrastructure, a test facility, research development, and offices.

Of course, another highlight should not go unmentioned, the imposing chocolate fountain with 9m height, the highest in the world, enchants young and old.

The textiles in the hall of Annette Douglas's undulate like a praline box, going along with a little glamor and foil-like gold, this in the lounge zones and in the auditorium. The curtains are not only a visual eye-catcher, the SOUND dimmer acoustic curtains also absorb the sound energy at the same time.

On the upper floors with the offices and development, the transparent acoustic curtain STREAMER pro, shaped in waves, fresh and white, curls along the window front towards the large hall and ensures good room acoustics.

Christ & Gantenbein Architekten